
背景 #

  • 目前学习平台迫切需要一种能把费曼学习法和一对一教学法组织起来的最佳的具体形式
  • 这种组织形式我期望它是一种现有的存在,而且是强大的存在,因为如Paul Gram 所说,好的东西通常都是留意到的,而不是发明的
  • 在听宁向东的管理课程时,我听到世界咖啡馆这种方式作为决策机制的高效性,我意识到这就是我要找的东西

从通信论角度看待世界咖啡馆的有效性 #

  • 世界咖啡馆这种方式拥有最大的信息分享带宽,在任何时刻,每个个体要么在创作信息,要么在吸收信息。没有时间用于浪费

世界咖啡馆如何作为一种高效的创作方式。 #

  • 1.每个人,可以作为主持人,得到一个总结提炼主题的机会
  • 2.每个人有机会参与对话题,观点的讨论,包括,点赞,颜色笔标亮。
  • 可以添加咖啡馆的背景音乐

7原则 #

  1. 创建友好的环境,非正式,亲密
  2. 探索重要问题
  3. 鼓励每个人的贡献
  4. 链接多样化的人和想法
  5. 在听的过程中,发现模式,见解以及更深的问题
  6. 使得所有的集体创作是可见的,涂鸦和画板
  7. 分享集体发现,大型讨论,综述所有发现
  1. 正确设置对话的情景,意图等
  2. 热情友好的氛围
  3. 探索相关问题
  4. 鼓励每个人的投入/贡献
  5. 吸收多元文化,接受不同观点
  6. 共同审议不同的模式、观点和深层次的问题
  7. 收获、分享共同成果
  • 一些细节 海克说:“颜色笔、标示物和坦诚的谈话达到了预期的效果。这种互动使参加者自觉承担了开创一个世界实验室运动的基础工作。我们并不是关注解决问题,谈话的目的是构思愿景。”

  • the world caffe Design Principles The following seven World Café design principles are an integrated set of ideas and practices that form the basis of the pattern embodied in the World Café process.

  1. Set the Context Pay attention to the reason you are bringing people together, and what you want to achieve. Knowing the purpose and parameters of your meeting enables you to consider and choose the most important elements to realize your goals: e.g. who should be part of the conversation, what themes or questions will be most pertinent, what sorts of harvest will be more useful, etc..
  2. Create Hospitable Space Café hosts around the world emphasize the power and importance of creating a hospitable space—one that feels safe and inviting. When people feel comfortable to be themselves, they do their most creative thinking, speaking, and listening. In particular, consider how your invitation and your physical set-up contribute to creating a welcoming atmosphere.
  3. Explore Questions that Matter Knowledge emerges in response to compelling questions. Find questions that are relevant to the real-life concerns of the group. Powerful questions that “travel well” help attract collective energy, insight, and action as they move throughout a system. Depending on the timeframe available and your objectives, your Café may explore a single question or use a progressively deeper line of inquiry through several conversational rounds.
  4. Encourage Everyone’s Contribution As leaders we are increasingly aware of the importance of participation, but most people don’t only want to participate, they want to actively contribute to making a difference. It is important to encourage everyone in your meeting to contribute their ideas and perspectives, while also allowing anyone who wants to participate by simply listening to do so.
  5. Connect Diverse Perspectives The opportunity to move between tables, meet new people, actively contribute your thinking, and link the essence of your discoveries to ever-widening circles of thought is one of the distinguishing characteristics of the Café. As participants carry key ideas or themes to new tables, they exchange perspectives, greatly enriching the possibility for surprising new insights.
  6. Listen together for Patterns and Insights Listening is a gift we give to one another. The quality of our listening is perhaps the most important factor determining the success of a Café. Through practicing shared listening and paying attention to themes, patterns and insights, we begin to sense a connection to the larger whole. Encourage people to listen for what is not being spoken along with what is being shared.
  7. Share Collective Discoveries Conversations held at one table reflect a pattern of wholeness that connects with the conversations at the other tables. The last phase of the Café, often called the “harvest”, involves making this pattern of wholeness visible to everyone in a large group conversation. Invite a few minutes of silent reflection on the patterns, themes and deeper questions experienced in the small group conversations and call them out to share with the larger group. Make sure you have a way to capture the harvest - working with a graphic recorder is recommended.